John Van Zwieten

John is cofounder of foreAction, established in 1999 to provide management services to new economy companies that need to scale up quickly. foreAction works with C-level teams to build management, leadership, and communication skills: identifying and correcting needed management practices, supporting corporate-wide initiatives, providing 1:1 coaching, participating in hiring senior personnel, performance reviews, and planning sessions with CEOs.

As a consultant/coach with the Catalyst Consulting Team, John’s focus is on helping corporate managers align with changes in strategic direction. As an executive coach, John supports senior executives in working more productively as integral parts of successful management teams.

John headed international business development for InfiNet, an Internet service provider and web hosting company that brings newspapers online. He developed partnerships between InfiNet and Latin American news and telecommunications organizations and in 1994 founded WorldNews Online, the first Latin American news aggregator on the Internet to carry daily news in the Spanish and Portuguese languages.

John has worked as a management consultant since 1979. He was the business case study writer for Sterling Livingston, noted professor at Harvard Business School. He helped pioneer the development of case-oriented, microcomputer-based business simulations, developing major simulations for the advertising, entertainment, chemical and newspaper industries.

John has worked as a management trainer and organization development consultant in the electronic media, newspaper, advertising, pharma, general manufacturing and computer industries. His client list includes Atheros, Alta Vista, Tallwood Venture Capital, Audience, Oracle, S3, Sun, HP, SGI, Network Associates, Intuit, Merck, and Hal Computer. John holds a BA from Antioch College and an MA in psychology from Duquesne University.